Flourishing Gardens – A Beautiful Beach Themed Garden
What better way to enjoy the beach all year round than have your own beautiful beach themed garden!
As a Brighton based company, our customer Flourishing Gardens have a lot to inspire them. Therefore it is no surprise that they are experts in beach themed landscape design, construction and maintenance.
The Brief

This particular beach themed garden is located on the cliff tops in Rottingdean, just outside of Brighton. It was created for clients who are NHS workers and required something easy to maintain. Their previous garden featured a lot of grass which they struggled to find time to cut. They also wanted something eye-catching and a place in which they could relax after a busy day. As one is Italian and the other spent many years in Ibiza, they were both keen to be reminded of warmer climates all year round.
Therefore a beach themed garden seemed the obvious choice and Flourishing Gardens set about researching the perfect products to create this space.
The Products
The garden features lots of timber work. The wood is used to create steps that lead to a raised area with flower beds. Originally all the timber work was going to be whitewashed. However Flourishing Gardens made the decision to leave it natural to tone down the brightness of our White Pebbles 20-40mm. This stone chosen is Dolomite, which appealed to their client’s Mediterranean tastes.

Our White Pebbles 20-40mm are used in the raised beds and around the patio slabs. They are interspersed with various easy to maintain grasses, such as Miscanthus grass and phorium Tenax. These are sea side tolerant and reflect plants found at the seaside.
Paving was sourced to tie in with the existing pathways at the side of the house. The pink, brown and beige colour tones also beautifully complement the natural woodwork. Individual paving slabs are used as stepping stones throughout the garden.
Our White Pebbles 20-40mm create a stunning contrast to the wood and paving. They also help to bring the whole garden together.
Sandy coloured horizontal batten fences enclose the garden. These help soften the wind coming off the sea without disrupting the incredible sea views.
This project took 4 weeks from start to finish and their clients are absolutely thrilled with their new beach themed garden.
If you would like us to feature YOUR garden on our blog, please email laura@stonewarehouse.co.uk for details.