The Gardens at Hampton Court Flower Show 2019
We were lucky enough to visit the gardens at Hampton Court Flower Show 2019. The show is set against the stunning back drop of the Hampton Court Palace and its gardens and is one of the best-loved horticultural events in the UK.
This year featured an abundance of inspirational show gardens, most of which included decorative stone.
BBC Springwatch Garden
We donated our Cotswold Chippings into the BBC Springwatch Garden which was designed as a feature garden by Jo Thompson alongside wildlife writer Kate Bradbury.
The garden was created to show visitors how neighbours can work together to support wildlife. There are three separate gardens depicted within the feature, with two of them containing our Cotswold Chippings in both the 4-10mm and 10-20mm sizes.

We thought our decorative chippings were used very effectively to create a rustic looking path that runs through one of the gardens. They also featured around the pond and in front of the dry stone bench in the next door garden.
Viking Cruises Lagom Garden
We adored the Viking Cruises Lagom Garden designed by Will Williams. The garden won a gold medal and was created as a space in which to relax and entertain while keeping nature in mind. The stunning planting was pollinator-friendly which provided an ideal place for wildlife to thrive.
The chippings were the perfect colour to compliment the planting. We also love the use of the Scottish Cobbles in the water feature which brought out their natural colour tones. Additionally this garden used several large boulders that broke up the planting and were stunning natural feature stones.

The Therapeutic Garden
The Therapeutic garden highlights the beneficial role that plants and gardening have in supporting people with mental illness. We thought the Red Granite Chippings were a bold colour choice that worked really well in the space. They also beautifully complemented the red colour tones of the benches.
We were also impressed with the gabions at the back of the garden that were filled with large cobbles like our Scottish Cobbles 200-300mm.

Through Your Eyes Garden
Another garden with Mental Health wellbeing at the core of its design was the Through Your Eyes Garden. Designed by Lawrence Roberts it explores the path of life and features a selection of large boulders, cobbles and rockery stone that represent the obstacles that we each overcome.

The Thames Water Flourishing Future Garden
We noticed that a popular hard landscaping choice this year was the large feature boulders. They were particularly impactful in The Thames Water Flourishing Future Garden. This was designed by Tony Woods and received a Gold Medal.
The garden aims to show how small changes such as drought-friendly planting and porous paving, can have a real impact. It also featured Scottish Pebbles which are an ideal permeable decorative ground covering. Along with a self-binding gravel like our Goldpath to create the pathways.

All the gardens at Hampton Court Flower Show were beautiful. We were also delighted to see the majority were designed with emphasis on looking after the environment as well as nurturing wildlife and supporting those with mental health issues.
Watch our video for a further look around these stunning gardens!